ThamesWey Energy

Below is the information you have provided. Please ensure that these details are correct before you sign this document.

Supplied Property Information

Supplied Building Name: 
Supplied Flat Number: 
Occupier Type: 
Date you became responsible for the energy supply: 
Electricity meter start reading:  
Heat meter start reading: 
Number of bedrooms in property: 
Number of people living in the property:

Person(s) Responsible for paying the bill

The full name including the title of the person responsible for paying the bill.

Date of Birth:
Primary Contact Telephone Number: 
Primary Email Address: 

Additional people responsible for paying the bill

If additional people are responsible for paying the bill, and their details were submitted using the Moving In form, they will also receive a signature request email which they must complete and sign.

Date of Birth (person 2):
Email (person 2):
Contact Number (person 2):  

Date of Birth (person 3):
Email (person 3):
Contact Number (person 3):  

What is your preferred method of payment?

What is your preferred billing method?
My preferred billing method is by

If you selected Tenant as your occupier type here are the details you provided of the managing agent or landlord:

Contact Name:  
Contact Phone Number:  
Contact Email: 
Contact Address: 

The Energy Services will be supplied in accordance with the full terms and conditions for connection and supply of energy to your residential premises. A copy of our terms and conditions can be viewed by clicking the link. Please sign below to confirm that you have read, understood and agreed to the full terms for connection and supply of energy to your residential premises. It is important that you understand all of the terms and conditions before entering into a domestic Supply Contract with ThamesWey. They will form part of a legally binding Supply Contract even if you do not read them.

Download the Terms and Conditions

Please check the box below to confirm that you have read and understood the Terms and Conditions.

View the Schedule of Tariffs

Please check the box below to confirm that you have read and understood the Schedule of Tariffs.


Leave this empty:

Signature arrow sign here

Signature Certificate
Document name: The Almere Terms and Tariffs
lock iconUnique Document ID: 96e8f9d5e5e0b4458f0167fbd52dcd1b97535fc1
Timestamp Audit
17 May 2022 3:22 pm GMTThe Almere Terms and Tariffs Uploaded by Celso Trindade - IP