At ThamesWey Energy, we aim to offer the highest quality of service. However, if you are unhappy about our service, you can rest assured that your complaint will be resolved quickly and efficiently. The following summarises our complaints procedure and should you require further information please contact our customer services team who will assist you.
Preliminary stage
In the first instance, your complaint can be made by writing or calling to ThamesWey Energy customer services
Stage 1
You will be invited to speak to the Customer Services Manager to discuss your complaint. The complaint will be recorded and the Customer Services Manager will attempt to resolve it within 5 working days from receipt of the complaint.
Stage 2
If your complaint is not resolved by stage 1, you should put your complaint in writing to the Managing Director marked Private and Confidential, providing as much detail as possible. The Managing Director (or a nominee where appropriate) will endeavour to resolve your complaint and respond within 10 working days from receipt of the letter of complaint.
Stage 3
In the rare event that your complaint has not been resolved by stage 2, your case will be presented by the Managing Director to the Board of Directors. The Board will review all correspondence made in the preceding stages and provide final resolution of the complaint within 14 working days of the completion of stage 2.